Idyll + Plotly.js Example

One method for including Plotly.js plots in Idyll

Fri Nov 08 2019


This project shows an example of including an Plotly plot in an Idyll document.

Running it

To run the project, clone the repo and start the Idyll development server.

npm update -g idyll
git clone
cd idyll-plotly-example
npm install

Getting a plot

For portability, the fundamental representation of a Plotly plot is JSON. If the JSON represents a valid plot, then any way you can obtain it should work here. Below are a couple common solutions.

If you have a plot in the Plotly cloud, you can add .json to the URL, as in and place the resulting JSON in the data/ directory of your Idyll project.

If you’re creating plots via the Plotly Python API, you can also use fig.to_json() to obtain the JSON representation of a plot.

Once you have data in your data directory, you may reference the data with a data element. For example if the data is in data/plotData.json, then you may include it with

[data name:'plotData' source:'plotData.json'/]

Drawing the plot

There is a Plotly.js React component, but I had trouble getting it to work since server-side rendering fails if document is not defined. Instead, I defined a simple wrapper in components/plot.js:

const React = require('react');
const PlotComponent = (() => {
  try {
    const Plotly =  require('plotly.js/dist/plotly-basic.min.js');
    return require('react-plotly.js/factory').default(Plotly);
  } catch (e) { }

class Plot extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return PlotComponent ? <PlotComponent {}/> : <div/>;

module.exports = Plot;

Finally, we can hook everything up with Idyll:

[data name:'plotData' source:'plotData.json' /]

[Plot data:plotData/]